How bunion surgery from your podiatrists in Burbank, Santa Clarita, and Northridge, CA, can help your feet
Bunions can be large and extremely painful. If you are suffering from a large, painful bunion, you might be thinking about bunion surgery. You probably have a few questions too.
The podiatrists at Los Angeles Institute of Foot and Ankle Surgery provide comprehensive foot and ankle services, including bunion surgery. They have several convenient offices in Burbank, Santa Clarita, and Northridge, CA, to help you and your feet.
These are just a few frequently asked questions about bunion surgery:
Why do I need bunion surgery?
Bunion surgery is often recommended if your bunion has grown large, has a substantial degree of bone involvement, and is very painful. Bunion pain can interfere with your ability to put on shoes, enjoy activities, and stand and walk.
How do I prepare for bunion surgery?
Before your surgery, you need to:
- Avoid eating or drinking after midnight
- Thoroughly wash your feet the night before and the morning of the surgery
- Bring someone with you who can drive you home after surgery
You also need to prepare for life right after the surgery, when you might not be walking around. Remember to:
- Remove any objects from the floor you can trip over
- Buy easy, convenient meals that you can prepare yourself
- Ask for help and support from family members and friends
Will I stay in the hospital after bunion surgery?
Most bunion surgery is performed on an outpatient basis with no hospital stay.
What is bunion surgery recovery like?
- You may need crutches or other assistive devices after surgery.
- You will need to keep your feet dry for about 2 weeks, until after the sutures are removed.
- To aid in recovery, your podiatrist may recommend stretching, exercises, and physical therapy.
- 3 to 4 weeks after surgery, you may be able to begin wearing a wide athletic shoe.
- 5 weeks after surgery, you should try to walk short distances and do some mild exercises.
These are just a few of the frequently asked questions and answers about bunion surgery.
To find out more about bunion surgery and how it can help you, call the podiatrists at Los Angeles Institute of Foot and Ankle Surgery in Burbank, Santa Clarita, and Northridge, CA. You can reach them in their offices by calling (818) 848-5588, so call now.